Factors that influence

  • Estate wishes are effectively implemented
  • To cost effectively address capital gains and other taxation issues in your estate
  • To escape probate and provide liquidity
  • To address challenges of equality to your will and estate
  • To fund buy/sell agreements long term
  • To permanently lock-in rates + ensure coverage lasts a lifetime

Permanent insurance cost may be substantially less than the costs of taxation, or savings required for other needs via alternative investments strategies.


Designating Eligible Beneficiaries   E+O.E.

Subject to Stocks, Bonds, Savings
Mutual Funds, Bank GICs,
Life Insurance + Insurance Company Investment Products
 Probate Fees (E.A.T.) Up to 1.5% NIL
 Legal Fees 3 – 6% Average NIL
 Accounting / Trustee Fees 2 – 5% Average NIL
 Fund Distribution Can take months or years Upon proof of death
 Privacy Public Record Private
 Potential for Creditor-  Protection  No Yes
 Death Benefit  Guarantees Investments No Yes – subject to conditions, restrictions from insurer
 Potential Estate Costs Up to 12.5% NIL

Let BestPlan design a proper, affordable & flexible life insurance strategy for you.